Friday, October 26, 2007

Pipe Your News Ticker

Pipes Picayune

Via the Hacks Authors' Blogs feed, we find Jim Bumgardner's Pipes Picayune & Daily Tube mashup news ticker:

Headlines from a BBC RSS feed
are fed, via Y! Pipes, to my news ticker, which is implemented in
Flash. Click on the spinning newspaper to read the story in full on the
original website. This widget can work with any RSS feed, but I'm using
the BBC because they tend to write short pithy headlines which fit my faux newspapers better.
You can include this widget (as well as others offered in Jim's bog post) in your own blog by copying the <iframe> code and specifying which feed you want to use.


In the comments, Jim points out that he's now added an easy-to-use form for generating custom RSS tickers. Check out this feed of Hackszine: